Talia Gritzmacher received her MA in Theatre at Texas Woman’s University (TWU) in 2021 and her BA in Theatre at the University of Missouri (MU) in 2019. At TWU she worked as the assistant director for the TWU Interactive Theatre Troupe. She also served as the script supervisor and editor for Behind the Eye Productions in her hometown area of Springfield, Missouri from its inception in 2020.
At MU, Talia serves as a graduate research assistant for the Center for Applied Theatre and Drama Research. She also serves as the Coach of Mizzou Debate and Forensics and for Mizzou Model United Nations. Talia’s field of interest primarily includes interactive theatre, applied theatre, and playwriting, with a newly developed interest in audio drama and podcasts. Ultimately, Talia’s goal is to create safe, accessible theatre spaces, regardless of platform or aesthetic.